Week Three
I got stuck on the WordBlanks MadLibs coding lesson on FreeCodeCamp.org. It was quite frustrating, only because I had done similar lessons before. I finally had to “get a major hint” and just look at the answer. I wasn’t understanding the instructions either. I guess I was used to the udacity/codecademy courses where they spoonfeed you the lessons/quizzes step by step. Regardless, once I figured it out it all made sense, and I felt silly for having to look up the answer. I’ve also been sick all day, so I’m sure that didn’t help much either, because I was running a low-key fever.
Arrays, I think, make the most sense. It’s just a list. I love lists. I write about 5 lists daily, usually on paper, but I’m the queen of making lists, and this is no different. Booleans. If, if else and if else if statements, and other fun things were introduced.
type coersion – when using the equality operator == , JavaScript will convert two different types into the same before comparing. Example: JavaScript will use type conversion to read “1” and 1 as the same/equal/true. Will not work on strict equality operator ===.
typeof operator – returns the type of the value or variable. Example: typeof 3 // number. typeof “3” // string.
!= means not equal
> – now, I know this is just basic math but I’m adding it to the list anyways. It means that the number on the left is greater than the number to the right.
|| if either the value/variable on the left OR the one on the right is true;
Fourth of July, which I know is no excuse, but that’s my reason for not spending any minutes on learning today., but hey! Happy freedom, America
I continued to learn if/else if/else statements. Practice makes perfect because I finally feel real comfortable with them, at least I think so. I also ran into functions. Functions make complete sense at times, and then I’ll miss the tiniest detail and my bray will go fried, but after doing freecodecamp’s lessons I feel more confident about functions. I can read through it like a regular English sentence, which I think makes sense, right?
… as well as the rest of the weekend, I was lazy. I spent time with family, went swimming before it started raining – a true miracle during a Texan July.