Week One

It’s about midnight thirty and I just completed my first project for the last lesson of my first certification on freecodecamp.org. And if that was that sounded like a mouthful, it’s because it is. Okay, so coding, in general, is hard to explain (try explaining to your doctor dad that your moving home, not gonna work for a while and just take the time to learn something… by yourself). So let’s get into it, shall we?


Back in time- So, to embark on this adventure I decided to move back in with the parents, and share a bathroom with my younger sister. It’s like high school all over again. I primarily based this decision on financial reasons, because why spend my precious saved money on things like rent, electricity, toilet paper, and even food when I can get all of that fo’ freeeee at my parent’s house? * I am taking this moment to express my gratitude toward my parent’s emotional and financial support during this time, and to state that I appreciate and realize how lucky I am to have this as a fallback. * After about ten years of living independently, it has been an adjustment to be back, but one thing I do cherish are the morning runs with my dad. Lately, however, we can’t get past the first block without getting into the same discussion. . . He’s sincere and is trying to understand what the heck I’m learning exactly and how I’m doing it online and how in the world I expect to get a job without a university degree with a major in computer science from Harvard and a minor in Excel expertise. “Excel is crucial for landing a job, maybe you should focus on becoming excel certified.” As much as it’s appreciated, he’s just gonna have to trust me on this one. Oh! all the while,  allowing me to stay under his roof


Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Thank you, FreeCodeCamp and all its contributors for providing free education worldwide. Did I mention it’s free? It’s based on donations and believe you me, the second I land a job as a front-end developer I will be donating to help further allow access to such an amazing learning platform.

CSS. You’re way more powerful than I had realized, and I have enjoyed getting to know all your different quirks and styles. Oh, and your grid, CSS? I mean geniuuusss (sing that, however you’d like, but sing it loudly!)

A tribute! I never imagined that coding would make me tear up, but the first project on the “HTML & CSS Certification” course was to build a tribute page on  codepen.io  (another singable mention!). Naturally, my tribute page was dedicated to my doggo Fritz (RIP) and within minutes I had lost track of what were tears and what was snot running down my face.

The project itself. I am so proud of myself! I’ve tried doing this a thousand times by googling and taking a few other online courses, but I now understand what I’m doing., it’s not so much by luck anymore. I had a moment where I felt my brain shift into a completely new thinking mode and that got me super excited! It might have been on something as silly as creating three buttons within a div but the fact that I worked through it until I figured it out, made me feel like I am one step closer to achieving my goals.

Who. Knew. That I’d be this pumped about coding. Wooooo!


The Notepad


The Gameplan